Thanks for the post, Vernon Lowe
I married the greatest woman in the world; she's smart, beautiful and a great wife and mother. We've been married ten years and they've been the ten happiest years of my life. I'm worried about her, though, and I thought if I wrote it down I could see better how to help her. You see, she thinks she's fat; even though I tell her she's beautiful she doesn't believe me. We have three of the greatest kids around. I know every woman thinks she's fat after having a baby (my sisters did), but my wife took off the extra weight after the births.
I think it's these women's magazines she reads a! lot. Every single copy has an article about women's weight loss in it and she eats it up. So I searched for something to help her and I think I've got it. What I want to do is enroll both of us in a group exercise class at the local gym. I don't want her thinking I consider her fat and, to be honest, I could lose the spare tire, myself. So Wednesday night I'm going to set the home security alarm from Atlanta Home security and take her to work out. I might even dance in the group exercise class, too. I want this to be fun and helpful for us both, something we can share.