Thanks for the guest post by Donn Schroeder
I love working here but because it’s such a small firm we don’t have tons of extra money to upgrade our systems or generally buy anything that’s going to help us do our jobs easier. I think it’s important to note that I try hard not to be too in my boss’s face about stuff like that because I know I’m much younger and I’m really conscious about overstepping my boundaries. For example, the other day I gently tried to get him to go to to check out some faster internet options but he didn’t seem to understand…I backed off and decided to revisit the issue at a better time so he wouldn’t just write it off completely. I love my boss, I really do, but sometimes he can be tempermental (at best) and I think it’s great that I know when to deal with him and when to just leave him alone. I know that’s not exactly professional but it’s his company and he can act whatever way he wants to, to be totally honest!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
My Cakes: My Canvass
I love decorating cakes. I'm new at this but I am loving it. I decided to create a video of the cakes I made. It's so funny that my kids knew how to create a video before I did. Yes I am keeping up with technology which sounds funny. I have made butter cream icing cake and fondant cake. Butter cream icing tastes better but I find fondant interesting, neat and nicer. I also tried making cake pops and cupcakes. These are my canvass for arts. I hope you enjoyed watching them.