How much should one spend to advertise? Do you want your blog to have more viewers?
I thank adgitize for helping this blog gain access to viewers and readers alike. Ever since I started having adgitize on my food blog it has tremendously gained population. I truly noticed the difference. Paying 14 bucks a month is not bad for a an average of 50 readers/droppers a day. I don't even have to lift my finger to visit other people's blog when I it's a lazy day. I love blogging. Through this I have made friends, learned so many things, even helped others and the best part is earning.
Simply click the link image above if you want to advertise your blog without hurting your wallet.
i love adgitize too, i'm glad i chose them to advertise my blog :)
Adgitize rocks! I just followed your blog Mel, cme visit anytime..
Forgot to say that i am following your blog now, have time to visit my new blog by the way kindly check it HERE
thanks much!
hi mel, i also advertise at adgitize. actually, i arrived to your site by clicking an adgitize ad.
happy weekend!
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