Guest written by our friend Sergio Chaney
I need a better paying job something fierce. I’ve been stuck in this dead-end-job for 3 years now, and I can tell I’m not going anywhere. I feel like a little rat on a wheel, running and running, but not getting anywhere. I gotta get off this wheel. It’s hard in this economy, though. No one is hiring, especially not someone like me who doesn’t have a degree. I’d love to get a degree, but the closest community college is 3 hours away. We can’t move, and that it not a realistic commute. I saw a commercial on tv about getting a degree online. I’m not sure how that would work, exactly, but if I could do that, that would be fantastic. I am going to look into getting satellitestarinternet %keyword% like my buddies have, and see about getting a degree online. I wonder what degrees you can even get online? I have no idea, and frankly, I don’t care. So many applications ask for your educational background and I am sick of just saying “high school.”
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sharing Cupcakes

My first time making fondant cupcakes was on the finals for our clinicals last February 21. We had a so called "party" as a way to end it. It was really fun. The fun part was making my fondant cupcakes that no one knew was my very first attempt to make one. Everyone loved it I'm so glad. I sure would want to make some again maybe in my upcoming birthday.
My teacher gave me a good review/evaluation. She was so impressed with my talk/report. Overall I got 95 yay me! Not bad right.
We went to Chili's for some drinks after the party to celebrate.